This project is the application of all that I have practiced, creatively: screen printing, block printing, research/theory, music, and photography! ¡ALL OF IT!

The front of the zine reads: FOO-LS GOLD—a pun and a comment on all of it: the excess, the greed, the holiness, the practices that make us foo’s, and systems that make us fool’s. The back of the zine has a hand drawn rendition of a four leaf clover—a charm that hung around the neck of one of the Latina/x/o’s photographed in this project: a glittering reminder of connection to all that was lost and all that will be gained in this life.

As a 1st generation Mexican-American artist, I do not have a physical studio to print inside of, which led me to print this project in untraditional spaces, one of these spaces was in a backyard in Watts. I called in the largest favor to the little brother I never wanted, the big dawg: Eduardo Martinez (@ninja.wizard)

I am proud to say that I have been photographed by Eduardo, that a part of this project was built in his home, and I am extremely proud to be part of his creative journey—printing under the sun, in Eduardo’s backyard (between his families concrete garden and his Daft Punk fanboy playlists), will be one of those moments I will always reflect on and feel a deep warmth in my stomach.

Project Details: Screen printed inside/outside cover artwork, block printed obi strip, hand binding with gold yarn through beeswax, premium photo print on 90lb glossy paper, 100 copies total of issue 1, 32 page spread

The inside cover artwork reads:

“Aunque la jaula sea de oro/ No deja de ser prisión”

“Although the cell is made of gold/ It never ceases being a prison”

- @lostigresdelnorte

Immigration is one component of this project—the photo bookends of the zine being of an older Mexican male (his cowboy hat, button up, and black Levis pants) and his chain. Containing a pair of calloused and stained hands that carved into the brown colonial earth of the US—setting us all up.

Many of the clothes the younger Latina/x/o’s wear contain an American influence: American labels and english phrases. Some of the Latina/x/o’s are fighting to remember a land they do not call home through their choice of clothing.

The chains are of all shapes, many though being of saints that have been reinscribed by a Latina/x/o influence and even a chain that connects to a spirituality of pre-contact. This reading falls apart when we remember that Levis are American—the purity of any of it is untrue.

The corrido lends our community a moment to reflect, an electrified truthful space. It delivers us to self questioning and the acceptance of un-belonging—we are aware, all at once, that we are simply used.

Used to reinscribe whiteness, used in the foundations of the colonial infrastructure (triple entendre), used to further violence across generations...

For the old heads that chose to never learn english and for the foo’s that didn’t have a choice in forgetting spanish and even for the insecure 30 year old fools that cringe at our renditions—we are all draped in gold.

It was only fitting that the person who has always stood by my side as I try my worst in learning spanish—also documented this part of the printing process. I will spend the rest of my life, trying my best, to create the perfect set of words that can truly hold all that @con_carameloo has done for me in my life. To my partner, to the only person that knows all of my fears, to the only person that has heard this corrido as much as I have, thank you!

Project Accomplishments:

  • Selected Photographs exhibited at AHUA Belonging: [home, memory, and root] Exhibition, 2024

  • Zine was entered into C.A.S.A. Zamora Community Library, 2024

  • Zine entered into permanent collection of University of California, Berkeley’s Inclusive Excellence Hub, 2024

  • Zine accepted into LA Zine Fest, 2024

  • Zine invited to sale at the K-Town Hard Copy Market, 2024

  • Invited to sale and distribute through independent publisher MY-ISM, 2023

  • Invited to showcase at the John Doe Gallery Zine Pop-Up, 2023